What is it?
AEYI is the representative body of yoga practitioners who follow the teachings of Yogacharya Sri B.K.S. Iyengar. This Association was established in 1996 and is the only one in Spain recognized by B.K.S. Iyengar. Being countrywide and since Spain is a multicultural reality, AEYI respects this diversity and takes it into account in its operation. Among its purposes are the following:
- To teach, spread and preserve yoga according to the orientations and directives given by Sri B.K.S. Iyengar, Smt. Geeta S. Iyengar and Sri Prashant S. Iyengar.
- To promote unity, harmony and communication among all IYENGAR® Yoga practitioners.
- To take responsibility in Spain for the training, assessments and certification of IYENGAR® Yoga Teachers, and maintain a national registry of certified teachers, and authorised teacher trainers and authorised mentors.
You can see or download the AEYI triptych at the following link:
Upcoming events
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association, and is convened ordinarily once a year, and extraordinarily when deemed necessary. All members of the Association are called to participate in it and in the decisions made there.
Governing Council and Board of Directors
The Governing Council is the supreme governing body of the AEYI and has twelve members, between teachers and students. The partial renewal of the members of the Governing Council is done democratically among all AEYI associates, taking place by post or electronic mail in December of each year. At its first annual meeting, the Governing Council elects, from among its members, the AEYI Board of Directors, the body in charge of AEYI’s administrative and economic management.
Standing Committees of Teachers
Committee of Ethics and Registered Rights (CEDRO, for its initials in Spanish)
Supervises the maintenance of high levels of teaching and ethics of teachers; manages the trademark of teachers, and supervises the correct use of the licence to use it.
Committee for Teaching, Exams and Teacher Training (CEEF, for its initials in Spanish)
Responsible for organising the IYENGAR® Yoga Teacher assessments; for organising the continuous training of AEYI teachers; for organising the teachers’ conventions, etc.; for authorizing teachers who, with the necessary qualifications, aspire to endorse candidates for assessments, conduct mentoring processes or lead teacher training courses; for preparing and updating the Official List of Teachers of the Association.
Other commissions and working areas
AEYI Events
Organisation of conventions and other activities of the Association.
Yoga Rahasya translation
Yoga Rahasya is the official journal of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, which is published quarterly in English. Providing the translation into Spanish of this magazine is one of the services that AEYI offers to members who are subscribers to the original magazine.
Yoga Jwala
Working group responsible for preparing and publishing the Association’s annual magazine, Yoga Jwala which is freely distributed among the members. It contains articles of great interest for IYENGAR® Yoga practitioners and for the members of the Association.
Translation of books edited by RIMYI
A working group in charge of publishing the translation of the books of Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant S. Iyengar edited by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute.
AEYI has a representative in the Spanish Federation of Yoga Training Entities (FEDEFY, for its initials in Spanish).
A working group in charge of maintaining the AEYI website and social networks.
Activities of AEYI
The Association organises different activities in order to achieve its social purposes, some of them focused exclusively on members, and others aimed at people who are interested in yoga.
By joining AEYI you are promoting the spread of IYENGAR® Yoga in Spain. Any IYENGAR® Yoga practitioner can apply for admission as a member of AEYI. To do this, they must fill out and send the application form to the Association’s office, which requires the signature of a teacher certified by AEYI (see “Join” section).
This form features the different fees for membership.
Some services and activities that the Association offers to its members are the following:
IYENGAR® Yoga Convention of Spain
AEYI periodically organises and celebrates IYENGAR® Yoga Conventions in order to promote unity, harmony and communication among all IYENGAR® Yoga practitioners.
Yoga Jwala magazine
It contains articles of great interest to IYENGAR® Yoga practitioners: interviews with B.K.S. Iyengar, excerpts from texts and conferences with him and his sons, annual report of the Association and the activities carried out by it, etc. As a sample, here is number 16 of the journal, corresponding to the year 2015.
Spanish translation of the Yoga Rahasya magazine
Yoga Rahasya is the official magazine of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, which is published quarterly in English. The Association provides the translation into Spanish of this magazine to all those members who wish so and who are subscribers to the original magazine.
“El Consejo Rector Informa” newsletter
Informative circular for members of the Association, without fixed period, which is edited and distributed to inform members when events of general interest take place in relation to IYENGAR® Yoga.
Sale of printed and audiovisual material from India
The Association offers, without profit, the possibility of buying material from India which is directly related to B.K.S. Iyengar and sons (books, magazines, audios, CDs, videos…)
Other services
Some of the AEYI actions are aimed at all those interested in IYENGAR® Yoga, whether they are members of the Association or not.

General information
Through the telephone, fax, postal mail and email, AEYI provides all the information in its hands to those who request it. This website publishes information of both general and specific interest to its members.
List of teachers
The Association keeps an up-to-date List of Teachers certified by AEYI and officially recognised by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (Pune – India). You can request information about IYENGAR® Yoga courses and schedules in the area, through the phone or by the email of AEYI.
Yoga Rahasya magazine subscription
Yoga Rahasya is the official magazine of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, which is published quarterly in English. The Association manages all subscription requests from Spain.
Download here the subscription form:
Processing of applications
AEYI also processes other diverse applications addressed to the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), such as the instances to participate in the events that are organised in Pune.
Upcoming events